Greatest coins Skip to Videos ANS Greatest Coins, • 10/29/21 The 1804 Silver Dollar The King of American Coins. ANS Greatest Coins, • 10/18/21 500 Years of the Athenian "Owl": an Introduction 500 Years of the Athenian "Owl": an Introduction ANS Greatest Coins, • 3/7/25 The Ostia Sestertius, Nero: Tyrant or Benefactor? The Ostia Sestertius, Nero: Tyrant or Benefactor? ANS Greatest Coins, • 3/7/25 The Ides of March Coin “Beware the Ides of March”Treachery and betrayal on a coin. ANS Greatest Coins, • 3/7/25 The Brasher Doubloon The Brasher Doubloon.An extremely rare and valuable coin. ANS Greatest Coins, • 3/7/25 The Franc: Currency and Orphan The Franc: Currency and Orphan